Wednesday 20 November 2013

-Optical Devices Site

       I really like how this site is first laid out when you get to the home page,
it reminds me kind of a vintage stetting. I really like it except maybe they could have
made the background some kind of floral patter or something because it just looks to plane.

"  "
Here's the link to a "Stereoscope"

-The way it works is it has to pictures one for the right sight or vision and one for the left,
each photo is slightly different so that when you look into the "Stereoscope" you see a 3D image.

-This is really interesting to me because it's amazing how people can come up with something so excelled but so simple at the same time. This creation is very old, I would love to see how one works in reality.

-The "Stereoscopes" also known as stereopticons or stereo viewers, were made in 1838 and popularized in 1881. It was Americas most popular forms of entertainment back then. The first one ever made was made by a a famous man by the name of, Sir Charles Wheatstone. Charles wasn't a popular guy to being with, so there was still no way he could get these things to be popular. Until one day Oliver Wendell Holmes (Charles partner in crime ;) came alone and made a later version that soon enough all of America knew about.

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