Sunday 29 September 2013

Ahhh It Looks So Good <3

Drew My Sisters Friend a Tattoo! #feelinspecial

Hair Cut Day

I chose to use this picture of myself for my profile photo because it was the first day I shaved my hair. To me this is kind of a big deal picture because it symbolizez a new change in me and I've become more mature and creative with myself.
I Took the photo and I cropped it out because there were some unwanted legs in the top right corner and I edited it. I went into Photo shop and I darkened the contrast and I made the picture brighter are if there was a flash being used. I also cropped out my bits of hair at the bottom to make it look more presentable. I like the look of this picture and my hair, I haven't regretted it even though some people dislike the look, I love it! :)